How to Cook Udon Noodles like a Pro!

Udon noodles are a type of thick, white noodles that are a staple of Japanese cuisine. They are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes, from hot soups (made with a flavorful broth, meat or vegetables, and topped with various garnishes) to cold salads (served with a dipping sauce, making them a great choice for a refreshing and satisfying meal in the warmer months). They are made from wheat flour, salt, and water, and are typically served in a variety of dishes, from hot soups to cold salads. Udon noodles are also easy to cook, making them a great choice for a quick and satisfying meal.

One of the unique characteristics of udon noodles is their thickness, which sets them apart from other types of noodles such as ramen or soba noodles. The thickness of udon noodles makes them chewy and satisfying to eat, and also allows them to absorb flavors well. In addition, udon noodles can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, including thick, round noodles or thin, flat noodles, allowing for even more versatility in cooking.In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps on how to cook udon noodles perfectly every time.

How to Cook Udon Noodles:


  • Udon noodles
  • Water
  • Salt (optional)

Step 1: Choose your Udon Noodles

The first step in cooking udon noodles is to choose the type of noodle you want to use. You can find udon noodles in most Asian grocery stores or in the Asian food section of your local supermarket. There are two main types of udon noodles: fresh and dried.

Fresh udon noodles are usually sold in the refrigerated section of the store and are typically packaged in plastic bags or containers. They have a chewier texture and cook faster than dried udon noodles.

Dried udon noodles, on the other hand, are usually sold in the dried pasta section of the store and come in packages. They take a bit longer to cook than fresh udon noodles and have a softer texture.

Both types of udon noodles are delicious and can be used in a variety of dishes. Choose the type of noodle you prefer, and make sure to check the cooking instructions on the package.

How to Cook Udon Noodles

Step 2: Boil the Water

The next step is to bring a large pot of water to a boil. You will need approximately 1 quart of water for every 4 ounces of udon noodles.

Make sure to use a large pot, as the noodles will expand as they cook and need room to move around. You don’t want them to stick together or clump up.

Step 3: Cook the Udon Noodles

Once the water is boiling, add the udon noodles to the pot. If you’re using fresh udon noodles, they will only need to cook for 2-3 minutes. Dried udon noodles will take around 8-10 minutes.

Stir the noodles occasionally to prevent them from sticking together. You can also add a bit of oil to the water to prevent the noodles from sticking.

Cook the Udon Noodles

Step 4: Test the Noodles

To check if the noodles are done, take one out of the pot and taste it. The noodle should be tender but still slightly chewy. If it’s too hard, continue to cook for another minute or so.

It’s important not to overcook the noodles, as they can become mushy and lose their texture.

Step 5: Drain the Noodles

Once the noodles are done, turn off the heat and carefully drain the water using a colander or strainer. Rinse the noodles under cold running water to stop the cooking process and remove any excess starch.

This step is important, as it will prevent the noodles from becoming gummy or sticky.

Step 6: Serve the Noodles

You can now serve the udon noodles as desired. They are commonly served in a hot broth with vegetables and protein, or stir-fried with meat and vegetables. You can also serve them cold as a salad or with dipping sauces.

Some popular udon noodle dishes include:

  • Tempura udon: a hot broth with crispy fried shrimp and vegetables
  • Yaki udon: stir-fried udon noodles with meat, vegetables, and a savory sauce
  • Zaru udon: cold udon noodles served with a dipping sauce

Udon noodles are a delicious and versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes. With these simple steps, you can cook udon noodles perfectly every time.


In conclusion, cooking udon noodles is a simple process that yields delicious results. By following these easy steps, you can enjoy a satisfying bowl of udon noodles in no time. Experiment with different recipes and enjoy the versatility of this classic Japanese ingredient

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